Code of Conduct for Photography


Code of Conduct:

Subject- When I take pictures, I will obtain peoples permission and respect their confidentiality as well as obtain their consent. I will also not cause any harm to the person, reflect them in a bad light or misinterpret their actions, rather I will respect them and their boundaries.

Safety/Security- When I take pictures, I will not test the limits of my safety. Whether that be pushing my physical limits, getting myself into legal trouble, or inappropriately using the internet, instead I will understand my limits and stay inside the fence rather than trying to go over it.

Personal gain and Ethics- When I take pictures, I will not become absorbed with personal gain either by copyrighting or plagiarizing other people’s work. I will also not cause harm to any animals by baiting or harming their habitat, I will respect that they are a living thing and have rights all the same. If I want to take pictures of animals, then I will let them come to me so they are captured on camera in their natural habitat and state.